Preparing for your Appointment

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Before the appointment

  • Before your appointment, we recommend using an olive oil spray, such as Earol, for at least three days. This will help soften the earwax, ensuring a more comfortable and effective microsuction procedure.
  • For more information, please refer to the patient information leaflet:
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The very latest technology

  •  I take before and after images and videos of your ears so you can see the difference for yourself and to evidence the ear wax has been fully removed. 
  • If there are any medical concerns I am able to send these images directly for review by an audiologist or ENT consultant.  I can then compile a report, for you to share with your GP / relevant healthcare professional.   In some cases, this may hasten NHS referral processes.
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The appointment

  •  Ear wax removal appointments take no longer than 45 minutes.
  • After a thorough examination using the Tympa microscope, I can determine what further treatment is required.  This may be wax removal for one or both ears or, if no wax is present, you will only be charged for the wax check / otoscopy only.